About us

On the Side of the Environment.
On the Side of Humanity.

We Value Values Since 1984.
We can be market leaders, become number one, increase profits, but if we did nothing to protect the environment, we would contribute to its degradation, we would still be losers. This belief motivates every choice we make. That's why, since 1984, we never stopped the continuous search for solutions, to produce exclusively eco-friendly paints and bring beauty and well-being to humanity while protecting the planet. And, proudly, it will not stop.

Oikos in numbers









I nostri valori



Respecting well-being in living environments and respecting the environment by combining creativity, research, ecology, originality, and quality of materials, craftsmanship in execution, attention to detail, uniqueness of finishes. And ultimately meeting customer needs in accordance with the coherence and tradition of the Oikos brand.


We aim to inspire and anticipate new needs with innovative decorative solutions that can enhance people's well-being. We work to develop solutions and ideas that resonate with people, transforming their living spaces for the better. We commit every day to educate and guide in the culture of ecological responsibility because we believe in sustainable growth to create well-being for people and the planet. We want to be recognized as the center and reference point of our community: an ecosystem of relationships among people, customers, colleagues, and partners who believe in our values to grow and generate well-being together.


Ecology is the foundation of Oikos, and this connection is seen even in the etymology of the word ecology: it derives from the Greek oikos (οἶκος), which means home or environment, and logos, which means discourse or study. It is the scientific analysis of interactions between organisms and their environment. The term 'ecology' was coined in 1866 by the German biologist Ernst Haeckel.


Claudio Balestri, one of the leading entrepreneurs in the chemical sector in Italy, has tied his professional path to sustainability. The natural continuation of this personal mission led to the creation of Fondazione OASI, where OASI not only means “nature reserve” but is also an acronym for Organization for the Environment, Sustainability, and Social Innovation. This 25-hectare area overlooking the sea between Gabicce and Pesaro is the natural setting for events that promote values of sustainability, harmony with nature, peace, and art. Find out more. Read more

Brands 4 Sustainibility

Brands 4 Sustainability is an alliance of companies that act in a sustainably and responsibly and promote values of social responsibility and environmental protection. With them, Oikos realizes and supports projects and conferences in Italy and abroad.


The interiors we live in are mainly covered by paint, and if it contains toxic substances, we breathe them in. These substances are also emitted into the environment from exterior walls, creating further pollution. This is harmful to us and to the ecosystem. That's why, since 1984, we have chosen to produce only ecological paints without harmful components using sustainable production processes, reusing and giving new life to production and processing waste.

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At OIKOS, we know that words alone are not enough. That's why we have turned to the most reputable organizations to certify our way of working and our respect for environment and people.


Ecological paint for people's well-being

In our reports, we do not only include numbers; we also calculate the satisfied handshakes of our customers, the associates who have appreciated us, the pride of our employees, and the satisfaction and gratitude for considering the well-being of those who use our ecological paint.


The UN prioritizes people's well-being. Oikos, too, has been producing only ecological paints since 1984 for the well-being of those who use them, those who apply them, and those who live in these environments. Oikos' commitment to humanity is demonstrated through humanitarian projects in various parts of the world, as well as by protecting and enhancing the role of employees and collaborators, creating, for example, training schools that promote the potential and growth of each professional. Specifically, Oikos supports Goal 3 (ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages) and Goal 17 (strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development) as outlined by the UN.

A better world is also on our agenda

obiettivo 3

Goal 3

Ensure health and well-being for all at all ages.

Goal 6

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

Goal 8

Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.

Goal 12

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

Goal 13

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

Goal 17

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

© Copyright 2023. Oikos S.p.a. Tutti i diritti riservati - OIKOS S.p.a. a socio unico Direzione e coordinamento OIKOS HOLDING S.P.A. CF, P IVA 01970010409
